Akar Lima
May Peace be Upon You
This is the first time that I know my home town got a hipster cafe that only took me 10 minutes to get there. Before we go to my personal opinion, let me rephrase the meaning of 'Hipster'. According to google translate, hipster means a person who follows the latest trends and fashions and that only applicable to a person and not to a stall or shop or a restaurant. According to several anonymous philosopher, hipster cafe means the foods and drinks that serve at a hipster cafe taste like average economical stall or worse but the price charge is too damn high which means it is not value for money but just a way to spend money relentlessly.
Lets move on to the actual subject of this entry which is 'Akar Lima' or for kedahan we normally called 'Akaq Lima' using our dialect. For me, this cafe is under the hipster cafe category due to several reasons:
- The decoration and items around cafe are unique and full of nostalgic view.
- The dish serve can be classifies as tasty and appetizing.
- The majority are western food.
- Has it's own identity and signature dish
Chicken griiled, the taste was superb and perfectly marinate
Carbonara spaggeti with a branch of ulam raja or known as cosmos caudatus
Before heading towards the cafe, I have read some of the blogs that more or less elaborate about the cafe where the way they describe the cafe was too grand. Probably my expectation is too high so that is why I get a little upset after have a taste there but if you want to enjoy you dinner with village surrounding, then this is a perfect spot for you to dine but for me, I just want to be more objective in term of value for money and there is much more cafe around Kulim that have almost the same taste with more affordable price. Every cafe got its own good and bad points and it is up to you which one that you want to choose.
May Peace be Upon You
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